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Assassination Nation (R) (7.0)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

Salem, just the name conjures up stories from history. What is about to happen might not be remembered the same as what has happened, but it will certainly change how you think. Why? Because this doesn't attack individuals by accusations. It is something much worse, using one's own information against them. A local hacker, going by the name of ER0STR4TUS is hacking into phones and releasing the information to the public. That may not seem scary until you think about all of your search history, every call, every text, every message, ever sent by you, or received by you. Now imagine, everyone you know having access to that information. What would they say, what would they do, what would happen? That is what this sleepy little town is about to find out. At the heart of the drama, 4 high school friends find themselves caught up in the mess. The data points to one of them being involved. Only it's not that simple, the person that everyone is after is caught up in the data leak too. Personal information and photographs completely disrupt her life. With the town up in arms and out for blood, what started as a search for justice becomes a bloodbath. The girls then find themselves fighting for their lives as society breaks down and vengeance takes over. These girls aren't going down without a fight. The result is an unholy union between The Purge and Heathers. The subject matter and dialogue are intense and will likely trigger sensitive audiences. There is something here that grabs you and keeps your attention until the very end. Should you choose to experience the raw, unbridled, intensity, you just might be in for more than you bargained for.

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