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90 Minutes in Heaven (PG-13)



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out of 10

The Review

You can have faith without hope but you can't have hope without faith. One man is about to learn this the hard way. Don thinks he knows where he stands in life. He's a successful pastor, husband, and father... his life is exactly how he pictured it. All that is about to change, on his way home from a conference... An accident changes his life forever. He is pronounced dead at the scene and is just waiting to be transferred to the morgue. That is until another local pastor comes across the scene (not knowing who was involved) and wanted to know if he could pray for the victims. Whilst praying for Don, something happened. Don was alive! What he had experienced though would change his life and his world. He had been in Heaven, surrounded by loved ones and completely at peace... So why was he brought back? That's something he'll have to learn as he goes through an excruciating recovery process. His body has been destroyed, he has lost his will to live and he is truly lost. Most of these stories spend more time preaching about how faith should be approached or what should / should not be done. This one is different. We get to see this man, go through the unthinkable, a devastating injury that has changed him physically and emotionally. Through this journey, we are able to see the high and low points in his life. With that, we also see what it takes to bring him back to the husband and father that his family needs him to be. He'll never be the same man that he was but he just might be something greater. This incredible story is based on an actual experience. Watch and Feel... It's worth it.

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Rating: 6.8/10. From 3 votes.
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