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The Skulls II (R)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

Secrets, we all have them. Some secrets can do more to help/hurt than others. A powerful secret society holds all the cards, not only for its members but for anyone associated with the members. If you hadn't caught on, The Skulls is in reference to the Skull and Bones society that conspiracy theorists give credit to many of the world's powers too. The secrets that members are entrusted with are ones that could destroy themselves as well as others. During this year's initiation, a prank might undo years of tradition. For such a serious grievance, there must be consequences. As the offenders face the consequences, they come face to face with something more. What they see will test their loyalty to the order as well as their own personal convictions. Can justice and loyalty sit side by side in such a situation? That remains to be seen. This had a bit more to the story than the first but the acting and mistakes were just too much to overcome. They should have maintained the original cast to give this something more. There is much more violence and gore than in the first. Definitely not a movie for all audiences, or even for those that want to stay awake.

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