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The Addams Family (PG) (4.75)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

The Addams Family are the iconic family of creepy and kooky, mysterious and spooky, and even a little ooky. They've entertained generations from the small screen to the silver screen. They're back now for a new generation. In this animated feature, you'll see that this isn't your typical Addams family story. A local real estate developer is updating Assimilate. In order to sell the homes, she must update the view (which includes the Addams estate). All of this while Wednesday and Pugsley struggle to find their place in life. It presents the elements of the family but they are significantly muted from the original. It's a cute story that introduces the family to a new generation but fans of the original may find themselves disappointed. Stories such as this will evoke strong emotions either way. What will you think of it? I guess you'll have to watch it and find out.

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