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Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (PG) (7.5)



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The Review

The title of the queen of the moors is important because the one who is granted that title is responsible for the safety and security of all of the beings within the moors. Now that Aurora is the queen, all of the responsibility is now hers. When prince Phillip proposes, both she and Phillip see it as a way to unite the kingdoms. There's a problem though, their mothers don't necessarily agree. Aurora has Maleficent and as for Phillip's mother... Well, let's just say they're both difficult. At a celebratory dinner, things go from bad to worse. Both mothers do what is necessary to protect their children, at any and all costs. Each of their decisions takes them away from those they love and both initially appear to be unwilling to see any common ground. One of the mothers will fight for her child, while the other will simply fight against the other. Not even the king can intervene as he gets caught in the crossfire between the former and current queens. In the end, it will take a sacrifice beyond measure to bring any peace to the kingdoms or the marriage. Though this is a continuation of Maleficent, it delves much deeper into the history behind the stories and why what we thought we knew might differ from the reality of the situation. Ultimately, in the end, there will be a great celebration that celebrates life in an unexpected way. If you're a fan of the original, this is a must. If you've missed the first one, take the time to experience it before this. Though it's a bit darker than the first (which may deter some with younger viewers), it's still a touching and emotional expression that is much more than it appears.


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