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Underwater (PG-13) (5.25)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

The Marianas Trench is the deepest spot in the Earth's oceans. Pontius Industries has science stations at the very bottom and the scientists are about to discover something they hadn't even been looking for. After a devastating earthquake at the bottom of the trench, they are in the ultimate fight for their lives. As they struggle to get from the one station to the other to wait for rescue, they'll experience many things that they never thought imaginable. One by one, tragedies reduce the crew. The ones that are left are determined to do whatever it takes to survive. Little do they know they're about to encounter the unimaginable.

This is a bit of Abyss meets Alien in an underwater thriller. Though somewhat predictable at times, it's an entertaining experience. Not quite a date movie and definitely not for a wide audience. This will certainly have it's following. Whether or not that includes you is up for you to decide.

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