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A Hidden Life (PG-13) (3.0)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

A quiet Austrian community will soon be rocked by the world when WWII calls upon all of the healthy adult males to fight for the Nazis. When one of them decides to be a conscientious objector and refuses to fight, he is singled out by not only his fellow soldiers but by his community as well. The only person he still has in his corner is his wife. She faces challenges of her own while supporting her husband as she is shunned by the community. As a conscientious objector, he refuses to go against his faith. This story documents his story from pre-war to the result of his trial for his personal stance on the war. It's drawn out and presented in an artful way that will certainly be appreciated by some. Though what it is saying is a powerful testament to one man, it is done so in such a way that it won't have a wide appeal. There are portions of the story that the content may be a bit intense for some. Will it be for you? Only you can decide.

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