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Brightburn (R) (4.5)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

A couple desperate for a child finds that one seemingly falls into their life in an unexpected way. As the boy grows, they realize that there is something different about him. The older he gets, the more whatever it is manifests itself. They thought it harmless until things started happening to those around them. How do they protect the child that they love and still protect those around them from him? Is it even possible? The truth will put them in an impossible position. What they choose to do sets into motion a series of events that will change the world. What happens next? I guess we'll have to wait and see. This story is basically an evil take on the Superman story. Only instead of a superhero, we are given a supervillain. He's only a child... Right? It's never that simple. Will there be more to this? Time will tell.

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