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Final Destination (R) (5.5)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

Our lives, are they predetermined, or do we actually have the free will we think we have. That's what we're about to find out. A senior trip to Paris should be the adventure of a lifetime. Little do they know that something is about to happen that will impact them in ways they couldn't have imagined. After a vision of something ominous, Alex is determined to get off the plane. Seeing his reaction, there are others that quickly join him. As he is hassled for his reaction, those who got off the plane with him would soon be thankful that they were spared. They're soon going to find out that their journey is far from over. Death's design seems inescapable but they're determined to beat their fate. This is their journey to attempt to defeat death. Will they succeed or is their fate set in stone...

This is one of those guilty pleasure movies, it's got a narrow audience but within that is a definite following that could inspire more movies to come.

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