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Final Destination 2 (PG-13) (5.25)



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The Review

As Kim and her friends prepare to embark on a fun road trip, they each have their own plans even though they are traveling together. All starts out well until they prepare to approach the expressway. Soon Kim will begin to notice things that seem out of place. She dismisses it until she cannot. She'll then be snapped back to reality and realize that she just witnessed the impossible. Her actions will prevent some from being involved in what she had seen. This is seen as a stroke of luck by some but Kim knows better. Something just isn't right. As she looks deeper into it, she finds the last remaining survivor from flight 180 and tries to put the pieces together. They'll try to disrupt deaths plan but doing so will be difficult to say the least. Just when they think they found a workaround, it becomes evident that it's never that easty. Will they find a way to escape fate? Or is it already too late? Find out for yourself.

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Rating: 9.6/10. From 8 votes.
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