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Furious 7 (PG-13)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

Their choices have defined them, changed them and made them who they are. Those same choices have cost them more than they could have imagined. When a foe once again rears his ugly head in an unlikely way, they join forces for one more ride. They will test themselves and each other. The only way to execute the plan is to pull off the impossible. With a little bit of help the impossible becomes possible. This help complicates the situation. It's no longer only about Shaw, it's also about God's eye. When they rescue the one who can tie the two together, Shaw kicks it up a notch. The intensity of what plays out will have you on the edge of your seat... It's not always as simple as it may seem. Justice will prevail but at an incredible price. Our friends will find where they belong... Realizing along the way that goodbyes are not forever. This seventh installment of the franchise pushed some boundaries. Some stunts and fight scenes were overly exaggerated. This story had much more depth than some of the others have had. Due to a tragedy during filming, I was curious how they'd play it out. The way that it was addressed was one of the most powerful things I've seen on screen. In general, it has you wanting more one minute and riveted the next. I'd say take your tissues, buckle up and hang on. It's an unforgettable ride!

How would you rate this movie?

Rating: 7.0/10. From 1 vote.
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