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Godzilla (PG-13) (5.75)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

Godzilla the way remember him or something more. Here we see a nuclear protester turned scientist that is in for much more than he bargained for. While quietly researching worms he gets commandeered by the US government to study something unexplainable. What he finds is beyond imagination... A beast that according to folklore terrorizes all that it comes across. Soon, they discover not only the destruction but something more. This is a game changer and they know they have to stop it at all costs. As humans, we've been the dominant species for generations... This discovery could bring that to an end... After figuring out what it is after, they come up with a plan to lure him out. Where they find it is the unlikeliest place. Madison Square Garden is ground zero. That instinct was not to harm us but to protect what was most important to it. When we get in the way of that, things change yet again and we are no longer a stumbling block but the target itself. Who will win this epic battle? Will we cease to be the dominant species on this planet? or Will we defeat Godzilla? Cinematically this is brilliant with the special effects and CGI. Definitely, a different look at a monster we're so familiar with. The most disappointing part looking back was there is a perfect opening for the story to continue and even after 16 years, nothing has been done. Never say never...

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