Let's start at the beginning. Without bias, I can definitely say that this Godzilla movie is geared more towards the classic Godzilla fans. It was made in a more classic style, than the style of the 1998 version with Matthew Broderick. It seemed as if it was trying to bring some parts of Jurassic Park into it as well. As strange as it seems, it worked. This movie isn't for everyone, if you like monster fighting scenes and love the classic Godzilla, this is definitely the film for you. Just in case you aren't that person and you aren't a sci-fi fan, this still has some touching moments in it. The design and follow through with the animation of Godzilla and Muto were done well. The sound effects could have used something more. I was expecting to really feel like Godzilla was roaring at me, and I didn't get that. I heard a roar but it wasn't typical (or maybe it was since it was aiming at classic Godzilla). The base story played the background role to the monsters and whether it was the actors or the writing. I was looking for more.
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