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Independence Day (PG-13)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

Independence Day will never be the same. What started as an American holiday will soon become a day celebrated by the entire world. As people throughout America prepared to celebrate the 4th, there was something ominous approaching the planet that none could have ever imagined. When the visitors begin to make themselves known, it is met with a mixed reaction from panic to those that wanted to welcome them. The military took a different stance, a stance of precaution. It soon progressed into a worldwide phenomenon instead of a localized one and it took the collective efforts of great minds and great military forces around the world. What will it take to save the planet from this impending invasion? Will humanity even survive? This tests the limits of sci-fi thrillers regarding humanity but in such a way that it draws you in deeper and deeper as the story progresses. An absolutely brilliant compilation of ideas from some of the greatest science fiction innovators brought to us in a way that will make us look up into the stars and wonder. Have you ever looked up and questionedᅠwhat's out there? If not... you will after watching this. Come celebrate Independence Day in a way that will give you an appreciation for freedom in a way like never before.

President Whitmore's speech:
In less than an hour aircraft from here will join others from around the world,
And you will be largest aerial battle in the history of mankind,
Mankind - that word should have new meaning for all of us today,
We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore,
We will be united in our common interests,
Perhaps it's fate that today's the 4th of July,
And you will once again be fighting for our freedom,
Not from tyranny oppression or persecution,
But from annihilation,
We're fighting for our right to live to exist,
And should we win the day,
The 4 the of July will no longer be known as an American holiday,
But as the day when the world declared in one voice,
We will not go quietly into the night,
We will not vanish without a fight,
We're going to live on,
We're going to survive,
Today we celebrate our independence day,

Captain Steven Hiller
United States Marine Corps.
c/o El Toro Marine Corps Base
Division V-X377
PO Box 98600-E
El Toro CA 50055

(address is for a fictional character, MovieDeputy is not liable for any misdirected or returned mail that is addressed to address above)

How would you rate this movie?

Rating: 9.5/10. From 1 vote.
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