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It's a Wonderful Life (PG) (6.0)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

George Bailey is a young boy growing up in a small town with big city dreams. He has his whole life planned out, that is until a family tragedy changes everything. Try as he may, he struggles with the day to day activities that seem normal to everyone else. Even after meeting a certain someone, he struggles to find any reason for his being. In an act of desperation, he makes a decision that changes his perspective. This decision will give him a chance to see what life would be like without him. Even with that, will it be enough to anchor him in the life he has now? Or will he always struggle with the mundane... This is a story about much more than a simple man, it's the story of a community that reaches beyond itself. Heartwarming and heartfelt, this will surely be a classic for generations to come.

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