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Jetsons: The Movie (G) (3.5)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

Spacely Sprockets is approaching its production of the 1,000,000th sprocket. As the number approaches, the factory that is responsible for the production keeps losing its employees. Spacely decides to take a chance and promotes George to the head of this production plant. George is excited, the rest of his family... not so much. Elroy has to leave his friends, Judy has a love interest, and Jane and Rosie just kind of roll with the news. Upon their arrival at their new home, everything seems to be going along as planned. The plant is up and running and everything appears to be going as planned towards that milestone. Without warning, the plant starts going haywire, almost as if someone is sabotaging it... but who? As George and some of his new friends look into this further, they quickly realize what the problem is. How will they solve the problem and make it to their goal? You'll have to watch it to find out.

The story is a bit predictable and the characters aren't quite as the older generation might remember them. Even with that, the score (soundtrack) is stellar. It's definitely entertaining for a younger audience but fans of the original series will likely be disappointed. There will be exceptions but as a whole, this isn't what you might expect.

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