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Lorenzo (G)



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out of 10

The Review

A spoiled cat lives in the lap of luxury. He eats only the best, he lives in a luxurious apartment and he looks down on all other kitties that look in on what he has. When a cat comes along that is missing the majority of his tail, Lorenzo sees this as an opportunity to flaunt what he has even more. This new cat to the scene has intentions for Lorenzo too, he must teach Lorenzo a lesson, the hard way. The new alley cat casts a spell on Lorenzo that forces him to get to know his tail like never before. When it becomes too much for Lorenzo to bear, the alley cat offers him a solution... This is a bit dark for a Disney short. It delves into bullying and self-mutilation... Topics that shouldn't even be on the table for younger viewers. Fortunately, most younger viewers won't get the complexity of such a story but it's shameful that it's available to such a young audience. Definitely, watch this with your child(ren), and be prepared to explain what is happening.

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