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Prey (PG-13) (5.75)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

After experiencing the greatest loss of his life, a young man is sent on a survival expedition in order to learn more about himself. This expedition will mean surviving all by himself for a few days on an uninhabited island. As he attempts to adjust to his new surroundings, he quickly realizes that it's more than he bargained for. Just as he's ready to give up, he finds that he's not alone. This young lady seems to know a lot about this island, upon further discussion, she has lived here her whole life with her mom. Only there's more to it than that. Just as he begins to figure out what is going on, a dark secret and a creature that seems beyond understanding will test his survival instincts in ways he couldn't have imagined. Will they make it off the island in time? Or is it already too late? This will take you to the edges of your imagination and so much more. It's a bit slow at times but it delivers throughout. Though not for the faint at heart, horror/thriller fans will thoroughly enjoy it.

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