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Scream 2 (R) (5.25)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

Sidney and her friends have moved on with their lives and are acclimating to college life. The story of what happened in Woodsboro has been developed into a movie and is causing havoc in the lives of the survivors. When the killings start again, they are reliving the terrors once again. Is this merely a copycat or is there more to the connection to Woodsboro than they realize? As they explore both ideas, some friends from the past come to help. Finding the killer this time will be much harder than they realize. The killings seem much more random this time but something doesn't feel quite right. As Sidney and her friends start to figure out a plan to solve the mystery, a twist will throw everything off track. Once they get back on track, the killer is revealed along with the reasons for what has been happening. Is this the end of the story? We'll have to wait and see.

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