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Scream 3 (R) (4.75)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

Life has come a long way since the Woodsboro murders. The Stab movies have been a success so far and the filming of Stab 3 has just begun. Sidney has moved on with her life and lives a life of quiet seclusion. With the filming of Stab 3, some of the characters have been recast, with that, the actors/actresses are turning to the original survivors for inspiration. Only, someone decides to take it to the next level and Ghostface once again reigns his terror on those involved. In order to understand what is happening, the local law enforcement calls upon the original survivors for insight into the case. As the details begin to play out, there are details that will surprise even the most sleuthful audience. When those details are revealed, it will prove that no matter how far we run, we can never outrun our past. Who will survive this 3rd installment (trilogy?) and is this the last of Ghostface? The story seems to come full circle but knowing how the story has gone so far we have to wonder if there won't be more to come.

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