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Scream (R) (5.5)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

The little town of Woodsboro was rocked by a senseless crime one year ago. Just as the town is starting to get back to normal, something happens that turns the town upside down. A senseless murder of some young teens sends the town reeling. As the Woodsboro residents are trying to make sense of what happened, it quickly becomes evident that it was only the beginning. One by one, others are targeted by the Ghostface killer. What is the killer after? As the murders continue, who is behind the mask becomes more of a mystery. When what the killer is after begins to surface, a bunch of teens gather together to survive. Just when they think they have outsmarted Ghostface, they soon realize there is more to this than what they thought. When the killer is unmasked, justice can finally be served. Or can it?

An unexpected murder mystery that has the typical Wes Craven elements with a few surprises mixed in. Will this be like some of his other films and lead into more or will this be the last time we see Ghostface... I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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