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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (PG) (7.5)



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out of 10

The Review

Peter Parker, a young man who found himself the victim of a spider bite that would change his life forever, would soon come to realize that becoming Spider-man would be much more than he could have imagined. After a devastating accident leaves the world without a spider-man, another may be turning up. Only this new Spider-man will find himself at the heart of a complicated scenario. A shrewd businessman in an effort to restore what he has lost will open up a gateway to alternate universes. To further complicate matters, the new Spider-man is reluctant to do what is necessary because of family obligations and personal interests. The help that he will soon receive will be the unlikeliest that you could imagine... As basically his help is himself (and herself). Taking this Spider-Man story into a place that it has never gone before. As they all struggle to find their place in whatever universe they are in, they'll have to come to realize that it will take a unified effort in order to have any hope of getting home. This may seem like just another SM story at first glance but upon closer examination, there is something truly special here. As intriguing as the story is, watching it is a bit difficult as it appears to phase between a normal and 3-D layering in the animation. The modern glasses aren't of much help but if you still have a pair of the red/blue ones, they will help a bit. Extraordinary as it is, it loses a bit in the format in which it's presented. It will certainly have its audience but it limits itself because of the presentation.

Stay through the credits for a special bonus scene at the very end

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