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Spies in Disguise (PG) (5.0)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

Lance Sterling is an expert at what he does, from gathering intel to knocking them dead... he's got it going on. He's always on top of his game with the latest gadgets and do-dads. That's where Walter comes in, he's one of many of the inventors that keep Lance supplied with the latest and greatest. The thing is with Walter's gadgets... They don't usually work as intended. When he has the chance to prove himself to Lance, he does so in a spectacular way. Walter will transform Lance into the ultimate super spy. It's just that this transformation will have unintended consequences. They'll have to work together to find a way to find the culprit that Lance has been chasing as well as helping Lance to find himself. It's an adventure with a message that seems innocent but is anything but.

Parents should be wary that the message here is very political in nature. Regardless of which side it is, general children's' entertainment should never be used to convey those messages. Though this is an entertaining expressive presentation, the underlying message makes it more of a political infomercial than children's entertainment.

There's a bonus after the credits that you'll want to wait for.

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