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Stronger (R) (7.5)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

Boston Strong! We’ve heard it and seen it promoted after the devastating bombing during the Boston Marathon in 2013. Stronger tells us some of the true story surrounding one its heroes Jeffrey Bauman. His world and life were changed in an instant after losing his legs when one of the bombs went off. However, he was close enough to see the bomber and helped the FBI identify one of them when he woke up in the hospital. But Jeff’s journey of dealing with his altered life has just begun. PTSD is one of the main things Jeff has to fight besides figuring out why people think he’s a hero. It’s both a difficult and inspiring story to watch. His journey of recovery both mentally and physically was not an easy one by far and yet his determination and his spirit permeate throughout the movie. If you’re looking for a powerful performance then look no further than the one given by Jake Gyllenhaal as Jeffrey Bauman. A very powerful true story told very well and very respectfully. In the face of tragedy and adversity, Jeff’s spirit helped bring together, not only Boston but also the nation. Thank you, Jeffrey Bauman and those like you.

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