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The Current War: Directors Cut (PG-13) (5.75)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

In the race to illuminate America, there were three vying for victory. Edison, Tesla, and Westinghouse, all competing against one another to light the way. They all agreed on one thing, Edison's lightbulbs were superior... What they differed on was how to light that bulb. One wanted AC, one wanted DC, and the third wanted to send the power through the air. Each had its pros and cons but one would eventually win out. Along the way, there were many challenges and arguments between the competitors. This even extended to personal attacks regarding certain uses for electricity, including the controversial topic of electrocution. Each was determined to prove their way was superior. With the victory comes the spoils and the victor isn't as clear as we'd understand from our history. Though our modern-day products have evolved far beyond Edison's first bulb, the concept of powering America is still up for debate in certain circles. Come experience how this debate began, and witness for yourself the illumination of America. Just know that some of the subject matter may be intense for some, as the fight got personal for all of those involved.

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