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The Forever Purge (R) (5.0)



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out of 10

The Review

The New Founding Fathers are reinstating the purge. There has been a reprieve from the purge and as the people are getting restless, the NFFA are giving the people what they want. As the purge commences, we see how people have prepared and what could be in store as the night commences. When the sirens go off after the night of horror is done, people start returning to their lives. Soon people start to realize that the true followers of the NFFA  don't want the purge to end. They want it to continue until they transform the country into something else entirely. What does this new nation look like that the Ever After's want? It's something that would forever change what America is. The politics that are portrayed in this version of the purge are definitely tied to current events in America. Some may agree with what is being portrayed and others will vehemently disagree. It's always been a night of unbridled anger, revenge, and hate but this takes it to a new level. As an olive branch amongst the chaos, those wishing to not participate are offered a safe refuge for a short period of time. Those choosing to take advantage of the offer will find a whole new set of challenges. What will happen after this uprising? Will America be the same? Or will America as we knew it cease to exist? There's a lot of sensitive topics along this story and a strong political piece that could limit its audience. Ask yourself before you go, if you're ready...

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