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The Grinch (PG) (6.5)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

Dr. Seuss had an imagination that he wanted to share with the world. One of the most famous stories is that of the Grinch. A green creature that hates everything about Christmas. This adventure has been told countless times in print, television, and even movie form. Some have used some creative license to expand on the original Dr. Seuss idea, yet they all stayed true to the meaning of the story. So, you may ask yourself how does this one stand out? Well, not since Boris Karloff has the character of the Grinch come to life quite like this. Though it strays a bit from the original story, it makes up for it with heart. Fans of the original will once again find themselves transported to Whoville for a Christmas adventure. One that will once again remind the viewer that Christmas is about much more than it seems on the surface. Come experience it again for the first time.

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