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The House in Between (UR) (6.0)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

Florence, Mississippi... An unassuming small town with a big secret. There's a home in Florence that has gotten quite a bit of attention; though not for the reasons you might expect. When Alice bought the house, she fell in love with its simple A-frame design and its quiet location. Little did she know that peace and quiet would be short-lived. Shortly after moving in, Alice began to experience things that she couldn't explain. When she began to reach out for help, her personal retreat became a public spectacle. This story documents some of the paranormal investigations that have happened at the famed Mississippi House. Does it solve the mystery of what is happening? or are we left with more questions? It does do something... what that is will have to be found out by you.

Is something really paranormal happening here or is this the ramblings of an overactive imagination? This story will explore both of these ideas. Where the answer truly lies is somewhat up for interpretation.

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The home is available for private tours through: MississippiHouse.net

The House in Between Trailer

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