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The Hustle (PG-13) (5.25)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

When you think of a con artist, what do you think of? This story shows that the preconceived notion of who a con artist is isn't as obvious as it seems. A young woman trying to play the long con gets caught in the act. While an established legend in the game itself tries to help her before it's too late. There's a catch though, in order for the legend to help the rookie, there must be some concessions that are made. When it is revealed what they are, it is almost too much but they decide it is for the best. That is until they decide to make a bet about which one can be the most successful with their new target. This new target seems like an easy mark. So it can be anyone's game. Little do they know that the game is about to be much more complicated with a 3rd party. When the long con is revealed, there will be an unexpected surprise. How will this play out? Who will win? It's a complicated game with a complicated answer, be sure and pay attention to the details and hang on... it's an adventure.

There are bonus blooper scenes after the credits that are definitely worth waiting for.

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