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The Killing of a Sacred Deer (R) (2.75)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

A cardiologist will find himself in a difficult situation after he loses a particular patient. The harder that he tries to console the family, the harder it becomes. With the only child of the family becoming unnaturally attached to the doctor and his family, things quickly go from bad to worse. Realizing what it will take in order to appease the young man is just the beginning of the family's nightmare. One by one, members of the doctor's family begin to succumb to the effects that the young boy has on them. By simply demanding, the young man could change everything for everyone involved. Will the situation be resolved before it's too late? Why is this happening? Are you prepared for the answer? This story has some structure that holds it together, the presentation, however, is sterile and extremely subjective. An art piece? A new multi-layered thriller? Or something more? It is definitely aimed at a wide audience, the vision here is aimed at a small audience. Only you can decide if you're part of that.

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