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The Lobster (R)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

In a dystopian world where existing as individuals is frowned upon, there are "facilities" that assist you in finding your perfect partner. The catch is if you don't find your perfect partner in forty-five (45) days, you are transformed into an animal of your choosing. There are strict rules that must be adhered to whilst searching for your partner. Should any of the rules be broken, there are strict penalties. The time limit of 45 days is somewhat flexible depending on your actions, you have multiple chances to earn extra days. Sometimes though, even with the extra days, it's just not enough. For those that don't meet the strict requirements, there is one other option. Even this other option comes with its own set of rules and penalties. This story is being heralded as a brilliant comedy from other sources. Though there are a few laughable moments, most of the humor is very dry and downright stagnant at times. The writer / director must be given kudos for the imaginative idea portrayed here. Tragically though the final product is as stagnant as it is slow. By the end, it feels almost like an episode of theᅠTwilight Zone gone horribly wrong. Should you see this? Ultimately only you can make that decision. Just be prepared that what you're about to see is neither an art film or a comedy... It's purely an imagination piece that was either a stupendous success or a horrendous failure. You decide.

How would you rate this movie?

Rating: 7.8/10. From 1 vote.
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