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The Loneliest Stoplight



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

A lonely road in the middle of nowhere seems meaningless by itself. The thing is, every road leads somewhere. This little road sat all by itself for years until another one joined it, creating an intersection that would need governing. So a single little stoplight was placed at this intersection to direct the traffic, it was happy with its little life, seeing the vehicles pass by according to the colors of the lights gave it purpose. Its life was full and happy, that is until the highway came in and took the traffic that the little stoplight used to govern. Then one day something happened and the traffic came back, but unfortunately, it wasn't to last. Even though it couldn't last, there ended up being a new addition to the intersection. This addition would ensure that the stoplight would never be lonely again. This is a touching tale that is reminiscent of the movie "Cars". An area left (almost forgotten) to time by a bigger road coming in. Is there a deeper meaning? It almost seems so but that's up for you to decide.

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