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The Mummy (PG-13) (6.0)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

Ancient Egypt has many secrets. Some have been found, many have not. This is the story of an expedition to explore the mythical city of Hamunaptra. Those that have been searching for it will do anything to find it. Those who have been there, are reluctant to return. This is where we meet Evie and Rick, Evie is a Bembridge scholar who is versed in book knowledge. Rick, on the other hand, is a brash and brutish free thinker that prefers to act first and think later. An unlikely situation will bring them together when it is revealed that Rick knows where the city is, Evie cannot resist the urge to explore it further. Together, they venture out for the adventure of a lifetime. What neither of them realizes is they're about to awaken something (or someone) who was never intended to be awoken. Doing so, they'll unleash something that they may not be able to contain. In doing so, they'll risk everything. Will it pay off? Only time will tell, but it's best to remember that some secrets are secrets for a reason...

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