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The Other Side of the Door (R)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

There is a line between the land of the living and the land of the dead. In some areas, that line is thinner than others. This story has to do with one of these places. The loss of of a child is one of the most difficult things that anyone could ever deal with. When one family loses their son, the grief of the loss has overwhelmed one of them beyond reason. One person close to the family offers the chance for one final goodbye, but it is not without it's challenges. The chance at one final goodbye is too much to pass up on and it is acted upon. There is only one rule that she must keep, when the situation presents itself, that is not as easily done as it seemed. Once returning home she realizes that something is not quite right. As the days pass, she'll come to find out the price that must be paid for breaking the rules. This story feels somewhat loosely based on "Pet Semetary". The idea of bringing someone back can seem like a great idea in the moment but no matter what we can imagine, the realization never matches the imagination. This is not for the faint at heart, in fact, this is the type of story that fuels nightmares. Are you ready? You must ask yourself that before seeing this... Should you dare, be prepared.

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