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Troop Zero (PG) (6.75)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

When a ragtag bunch of misfits decides to become birdie scouts, it becomes an emotional adventure of friendship and acceptance that becomes bigger than the story itself. Christmas Flint is a tormented young girl who has a strength within her that few other than those closest to her can see. She decides that she's done with the stigma that surrounds her and wants to do more. She rounds up a bunch of misfits around her and takes it to the next level by officially becoming a birdie troop. This adventure won't be without its difficulties. This group of kids isn't exactly birdie material but that won't stop them. They find themselves facing multiple challenges as they fight to prove that they're worthy of the birdie name. When the ultimate task presents itself, they approach it with the fire that keeps them going and when it's over. Though they aren't the typical birdie scouts, they shine...

This story though full of beauty and inclusion isn't for everyone. It challenges us to accept that those that don't fit in (including, misfits, bullies, transgender, and disabled) are the norm in the 1970s (though it reaches through the generations). Having that they integrated such a controversial character as a transgender child will limit it's audience significantly amongst certain demographics. Others however will welcome the bold approach that it takes. Regardless of where you stand, this story is presented in such a way that it makes you smile when it's all said and done.

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