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Voldemort: Origins of the Heir (TV-PG) (4.75)



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The Review

Harry Potter, just the name conjures up ideas and fantasies about the stories of his life at Hogwarts and beyond. He's not the only star of the books though, of course, there are the characters that most know and love but the books wouldn't be the same without "he who shall not be named". We don't know much about him. This is going to change that, at least somewhat. Now even though this isn't directly a part of the J.K. Rowling series, it definitely adds to the story. What this is, is a movie made by fans for fans. Explaining not only the who of Voldemort but some secrets behind Hogwarts that you could never have imagined. Or at least maybe you hadn't until now. This unique piece can only be found on a select few platforms but it is one that you'll want to experience if you're a fan of the rest of the stories. To give away any more about the story would certainly spoil it for you and you don't ever have to worry about that here. Experience it for yourself and decide if it's the story of the century of a fan fest gone too far...

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