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Only Lovers Left Alive (R)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

This is an abstract vampire story. A husband (Adam) and his wife (Eve) are on different continents. He spends his time in Detroit, creating an abstract form of music that would be a cross between Woodstock and the grunge era. His absolute fascination with classic instruments and his love of the eclectic, help him live his life in solitude. She lives a life, surrounded by books, in different languages and delicate designs and fashion surround her. An unlikely pair at first glance. They both obtain their blood from different sources, both in secretive ways. Protecting themselves from blood poisoning. The story is mixed up a bit when Eve's sister Ava shows up and is the complete opposite. A strange story that borders on the macob. An eerie sense of the main characters and what the costs to stay alive provides us with the story. These vampires couldn't be further from the original Dracula or from the recent Twilight. I'm sure that's what the director was going for, but whether or not it was what he envisioned... we'll never know.

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