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The Interview (R)



out of 10


out of 10

The Review

Sharing the news you don't know you want to know. The ultimate gossip rag in television form... Skylark tonight. The host and producer work side by side to get the juiciest dirt imaginable on their guests, some of the best comes out unintentionally making the show one you can't bear to watch or turn away from. The perfect mixture of everything you didn't know you wanted. Their fans circle the globe and include everyone from a common Joe to the leader of North Korea. When they learn that Kim jong-un is a fan they attempt to set up an interview. After jumping through some unusual hoops the interview is set but only with specific conditions. As the day arrives they learn more about Kim jong un than they ever cared to know... More than his own people or the world ever dreamt. When the interview takes place, they have to decide what to do. Do they do what they're supposed to? Or do they risk it all? This off putting comedy is strange at best. It definitely does not live up to all of the hype. The threats probably were very real, but I can't help but think that there is a chance that the studio realized how bad the movie was so they didn't want a theatrical release. Creating all the hype about this definitely ensured more revenue than it ever would have seen in the theater. Enjoy, the best that you can, if you want to.

How would you rate this movie?

Rating: 2.8/10. From 1 vote.
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